The scientific committee and the coordinators of the scientific program compile the scientific main sessions in close cooperation with the GDCh divisions; industry symposia and special events complement the lecture series.
theme preview
Plenary symposia
Rethinking Chemistry - Concepts
Rethinking Chemistry - Sustainability Strategies
Synthesis and Catalysis
Liebig Symposium on Organic Chemistry
Karl Ziegler Symposium
Highlights from inorganic chemistry
Sustainability; Sustainable applications of P/F/PF compounds
Sustainable Synthesis
Energy, Resources and Environment
On the trail of our chemical footprints: Environmental analysis of elements, trace substances and isotopes as anthropogenic tracers
When chemicals pass all barriers: Polar and persistent substances end up in drinking water
EU Safe and Sustainable by Design Konzepts (SSbD)
Understanding of electrochemical processes, materials, and transformations
Dialogue in Inorganic Chemistry
Rethinking Chemistry: Sustainability of Materials and Critical Resources
Highlights in Solid-State and Materials Chemistry
Materials for the energy transition
New Methods and Concepts in Crystal Chemistry
Life Sciences
Molecules of Life - Molecules in Life
Robots in Chemistry
Research Data Infrastructure
Interdisciplinary Symposia
Rethinking History of Chemistry: Fascinating Stories and Reflections for the Future
Chemistry meets art
Boundaries between science and politics
Final of the national Three Minute Thesis (3 MT)
Presentation of the JCF teams and regional forums
Session of the GDCh Division of Magnetic Resonance (FGMR)
Chemistry class
Experimental lectures
Discussion Lectures
Other events
ChemSlam - Science Slam on the subject of chemistry
Career service
„Startups“ a breakfast session: impulses for starting a business in chemistry
Annual meetings of the GDCh Divisions & Working Groups
Division of Chemical Education
Division Chemists in Civil Service
Division of Computers in Chemistry
Working Group Phosphorus chemistry